12th Dallas Hunger Summit “Demystifying SNAP & Changing the Conversation” (A Virtual Event)
“Demystifying SNAP & Changing the Conversation” (A Virtual Event)
Are you a service provider, helping professional looking for strategies, volunteer, faith-guided community member or someone concerned about our food insecure neighbors who wants to learn? Please join us for a virtual conversation to dispel myths, provide new language, encourage partnerships and opportunities to present SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) more positively! Participants will gain SNAP knowledge to take into their communities to help change the way SNAP is viewed. They will be able talk about SNAP in an informed way, advocate and educate for SNAP, and help others better understand the pivotal role SNAP can play in reducing food insecurity and hunger. Local initiatives to expand access to SNAP and maximize utilization of this public nutrition program will be highlighted.
WHERE: A Virtual Event
WHEN: October 19, 2023 from 10:00 AM –11:30 AM
Further details and a registration link. Questions? Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu.

“SEEDING Dallas V”: A DIY Garden Learning Event
Learn how to build a portable hand washing station for your garden or small farm! Hear from food safety and sanitation experts about the latest in best practices for cultivating, harvesting and storing produce for distribution, too! Simple building materials will be provided for the first twenty garden projects that register and promptly arrive at 8:30 AM. The first twenty to register and promptly arrive at 8:30 AM get to take home a free DIY portable handwashing station to install at your garden or small farm.

“Alive & Kicking!” Senior Hunger Summit
“Alive & Kicking” 2nd Annual Senior Hunger Summit on May 4th from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM. Resource Fair opens at 9:00. FREE for individuals or groups, BUT you MUST REGISTER to attend. Adults 60 & up, join us for speakers, lunch, prize drawings, resource fair and Bingo. Attendance will be limited. Call 214-819-1860 for more information and to register.

Faith Community Action Team Spring Meeting
Please join us for our spring Faith Community Hunger Solutions meeting! Learn how your congregation or faith-based organization can help your members and neighbors be better prepared for community emergencies. Hear what you and your neighbors can do together to help prepare your community for a crisis. Each participant will receive an emergency document bag to store your important papers and a brochure with information from the presentation.
“Disaster Preparedness and Food Security”
Featured Speaker:
Marvin Young, MPH, Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Agent
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

Faith Community Action Team Fall Meeting
Please join us for our fall Faith Community Hunger Solutions meeting at Owenwood Farm and Neighbor Space!
If you’re interested in growing perennial fruits, nuts, berries and herbs at your existing community garden or community of faith where produce can be shared with your community, join us and learn if our program might be a good fit you you!
We’ll give an overview of the program and tour The Giving Grove demonstration orchard at Owenwood Farm.
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

“SEEDING the Dream” Community Garden Grant
SEEDING the Dream Community Garden Grant
We are excited to provide this community garden grant opportunity for community gardeners to boost their efforts to feed their communities! This grant funds capital and training education investments up to $1000.
• A community garden focused primarily on food production.
• A community garden located in Dallas County.
• In the case of a garden that has not yet started, the applicant must have authorized access to a plot of land.
As part of this program, we will keep close contact with grantees, follow the impact our grants create, and share the successes of our grantees in efforts to raise more funds for future grants.
• Grant funds will be spent by September 1, 2023.
• Grantees will agree to work with the grant team for quarterly check-ins to provide updates and share about their impact.
• Grantees will agree that SEEDING the Dream can publicly share photos and stories about their garden projects.
Application Opens September 19th.
Deadline for Applications is October 9, 2022 at 11:59 CST.
Applicants will be notified in November 2022.
For more information, contact Wyonella Henderson-Greene.

Faith Community Hunger Solutions Meeting
Join us for our summer meeting featuring CitySquare programs, services and resources addressing food insecurity and poverty. Learn how your congregation or faith-based organization can partner to help our neighbors in need receive valuable assistance! Register to get the Zoom meeting link.

"Little Orchards: BIG IMPACT!"
Please join us at 9:00 AM on June 18th at Owenwood Farm and Neighbor Space!
If you’re interested in growing perennial fruits, nuts, berries and herbs at your existing community garden, community of faith, school or other property where produce can be shared with your community, join us and learn if our program might be a good fit you you!
We’ll give an overview of the program and tour the Giving Grove demonstration orchard at Owenwood Farm.
Registration details coming soon!
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.
“Alive & Kicking!” Senior Hunger Summit
“Alive & Kicking!”
Senior Hunger Summit
Contact Wyonella Henderson-Greene at
for information.

Faith Community Hunger Solutions Spring Meeting
Registration Details Coming Soon!
This is a Zoom meeting. After you register, you'll receive a confirmation email.
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

Faith Community Winter Meeting
Registration Details Coming Soon!
This is a Zoom meeting. After you register, you'll receive a confirmation email.
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

Roadblocks and Alternative Routes to Food Security in Dallas: A Transportation Conversation
“Roadblocks and Alternative Routes to Food Security in Dallas” - Rethinking the role of transportation in community access to nutritious food
Transportation has a lot to do with being able to eat well. Many in Dallas communities struggle with accessing healthy food options due to the nature of the city's transportation system and the location of grocery stores.
Join us to learn about the challenges, opportunities and initiatives underway to improve and reconsider access to nourishing food in our under resourced communities.
A Virtual Event
November 11, 2021
1:00 – 2:00PM

Senior Hunger Action Team Fall Meeting
Please join us for a followup to our summer roundtable on senior hunger.
Who's is working on the problem?
What is being done?
What resources are available?
How can you help?
It’s a Zoom meeting. RSVP here to get a confirmation email with the Zoom link.
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

"The 87th Texas Legislature: A Debrief for the Faith Community"
What does the faith community need to know about state and federal food and nutrition policies?
What is the impact of these policies on food and financial security for hungry Texans?
How can faith based partners help support and strengthen anti-hunger policies and programs?
We'll reflect on the impact recent legislation has on nutrition and food insecurity for hungry Texans and what the faith community can do.
This is a Zoom meeting. After you register, you'll receive a confirmation email.
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

SAVE THE DATE! 10th Dallas Hunger Summit “Top 10 Hunger Solutions”
“Top 10 Hunger Solutions” - A Holistic Approach
Join us for the 10th Annual Dallas Hunger Summit of the Dallas Coalition for Hunger Solutions, chaired by U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson. The focus of the 2021 Dallas Hunger Summit is on our "Top 10 Hunger Solutions!" for creating equitable, thriving communities. Speakers from across multiple community sectors will discuss a holistic view of how to solve hunger and impact community health in an all-inclusive way. Applying an equity lens, they will discuss how to create a more food secure and just food environment for everyone. We will explore the innovative, collaborative steps underway in communities, and the policies that can assure access to healthy, nutritious food and optimal health for all.
WHERE: A Virtual Event
WHEN: 10:00 AM –11:30 PM
SEPT. 24th - "Ending Poverty to End Hunger in America: A Roadmap" will feature an interview and conversation with two authors who put forth solutions that work.
Joanne Samuel Goldblum & Colleen Shaddox, authors of Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding and Ending U.S. Poverty
Courtney Collins, Senior Editor KERA News and Lead Reporter “One Crisis Away” will conduct the interview.
Beth Dexter, Development Officer, Parkland Foundation, will serve as host.
OCT. 1st - "Addressing Food Insecurity and Healthy Food Access: Dallas Area Initiatives and Best Practices" will highlight local practitioners and social innovators.
Edward T. Rincón, Ph.D., Author of The Culture of Research and Innovator of the Urban Site Location Dashboard
Owen Lynch, Ph.D., Co-Founder Restorative Farms
Ashley Douglas, Director Southern Dallas Thrives
Laila Alequresh, City of Dallas Chief Innovation Officer
Pastor Daryl R. Carter, Carver Heights Baptist Church
Alexis Baker, Food Recovery Manager, CitySquare
Doric Earle, Ph.D., Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University is the Panel Moderator.
Mark Edwards, Program Manager, Dallas County Health and Human Services Older Adult Services Program, will serve as host.
For further information, contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu.

Faith Community Action Team Meeting
Save the date of the next Faith Community Action Team meeting.
"Census Data: A Tool to Help Reduce Hunger", Jennifer Pope, 2020 Census Partnership Specialist
HEAR how census data can help your ministry or program be more effective.
DISCOVER the data available about the community you serve and how to access it.
LEARN how to use the data for robust grants and strategies to increase your impact.
This is a Zoom meeting. After you register, you'll receive a confirmation email.
Register at https://bit.ly/3ifwfKW
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

Senior Hunger Action Team Meeting
Save the date of the next Senior Hunger Action Team meeting!
Please join us for a roundtable discussion on senior hunger.
Who's is working on the problem?
What is being done?
What resources are available?
How can you help?
This is a Zoom meeting so register below for a link to join.
Register at https://bit.ly/377FZ3y
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

“SEEDING the Dream” Community Garden Grant Applicant Q&A Session
Pre-Submission Applicant Q&A Session on June 9th 6:00 - 7:00 PM (CST). Get answers to your questions for a successful application.
Register at the link to attend the session on June 9th.

“CACFP: Long Name, BIGGER Impact” A Policy Roundtable Discussion on Feeding Our Most Vulnerable
What is CACFP and why is it important? What can we do to help strengthen this program and ensure it remains an effective tool for reducing hunger?
Hear from experts with answers to these questions and learn about desirable changes to the program that need your support!
Register at https://baylor.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrf-ytqjgoE9Jmeiw-teVR2gBiVDAj8mph

“SEEDING the Dream” Community Garden Grant
We are excited to provide this funding opportunity for community gardeners to boost their efforts to feed their communities. This grant funds up to $500 for small capital and training/education investments.
A community garden focused primarily on food production.
A community garden located in Dallas County.
In the case of a garden that has not yet started, the applicant must have authorized access to a plot of land.
Application opens on June 1, 2021.
Deadline for Applications is June 30, 2021 at 11:59 CST.
Applicants will be notified by August 15, 2021.
Find more details and apply at the link.

Senior Hunger Action Team Quarterly Meeting
Contact Wyonella Henderson-Greene at wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.

SEEDING Dallas IV Urban Garden Forum
Contact Wyonella Henderson-Greene at wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.