Make it stand out
Mustard Seed Community Garden
Dallas/Oak Cliff, Texas
SEEDING the Dream
Community Garden Grant
We are excited to provide this community garden grant opportunity for community gardeners to boost their efforts to feed their communities! This grant funds capital and training education investments up to $1000.
· A community garden focused primarily on food production.
· A community garden located in Dallas County.
· In the case of a garden that has not yet started, the applicant must have authorized access to a plot of land.
As part of this program, we will keep close contact with grantees, follow the impact our grants create, and share the successes of our grantees in efforts to raise more funds for future grants.
· Grant funds will be spent by September 1, 2023.
· Grantees will agree to work with the grant team for quarterly check-ins to provide updates and share about their impact.
· Grantees will agree that SEEDING the Dream can publicly share photos and stories about their garden projects.
Application Opens September 19th.
Deadline for Applications is October 9, 2022 at 11:59 CST.
Contact Wyonella Henderson-Greene for more information.