“Disaster Preparedness and Food Security”
Please join us at 1:30 PM on April 20th!
Learn how your congregation or faith-based organization can help your members and neighbors be better prepared for community emergencies! Hear what you and your neighbors can do together to help prepare your community for a crisis.
Each participant will receive an emergency document bag to store your important papers and a brochure with information from the presentation.
Featured Speaker
Marvin Young, MPH - Prairie View A&M University/Cooperative Extension
Topics include:
Discussion of various types of disasters that can occur in our area
Emergency and non-emergency phone numbers and websites in Texas
How to make a family plan
Creating a family disaster supplies kit
Deciding when to evacuate
Discussing disasters with children
Food safety
What to do before, during, and after disasters
Contact wyonella_henderson-greene@baylor.edu for more information.